So I have yet another driver. This time it's Jordan. He's a cool guy but he looks like he's gonna go postal any day now. I was a bit hesitant to let him drive. Whatever, I'm sure we'll be O.K.! Famous last words! Anyway, I have a special guest on the bus today. You might know him as the bareback champion of the world, you might have cried for him in Anal Virgins 5, who else could it be but the O.P.P!!! In the house! So you guy's know, given me and P.P.'s long history, that this shoot is gonna get a bit wild. I immediately played a trick on him and he was immediately pist at me in his true little diva fashion. I gave him shaving cream and told him it was mousse. I ruined his hair and his bitch ass looked like he was gonna cry! He got me back pretty good when he stole the can of shaving cream. The Sanchez is slippin if P.P. can get one over on him. In the middle of all the chaos I noticed some girl crossing a bridge and asked her for directions. Turns out she was a spring breaker in need of some directions herself. I directed her into my van for some questioning with the premise of giving her some spring break party money. Here comes another one! P.P. was impressed with her bod. Her tits were nice and perky and her ass was big n' round! I told her we would give her extra money if she would give P.P. a spring break blowjob. She was into Little Diva from the start so she didn't hesitate to slob all over him. Meanwhile Jordan's driving had gone from bad to worse and P.P. is trying to fuck this girls tight pussy while I'm shooting shaving cream at him and Jordan's going down one way streets and taking pot holes. This girl was actual pretty smart and demanded the money up front before any nudity. I gave it to her but P.P. pulled the old switch o' roo on her as I distracted her with my questioning. She realized she had been duped after she had been shuffled out of the van and proceeded to ask us about her money. She hadn't even finished her first sentence and she was already eating our dust. Anyway, another job well done! -DIRT
Added: 10 years ago by Txxx