Behind the Scenes with Miss January 2015 Brittny Ward
Go behind the scenes with Brittny Ward, our Miss January 2015, as she shoots her kickass pictorial with photographer Josh Ryan. Originally from Sacramento, California, Brittny is a versatile model with twelve years in the business, and becoming a Playmate is only the latest jewel in her crown. In the dusty hills of Malibu, Josh Ryan and his team shot Brittny at an unfinished Frank Lloyd Wright house, known locally as the Wright Organic Resource Center “ perfect for a natural resource like our vital Miss January. Supermodels like Gisele have shot in this location, says Brittny proudly. My first day was gorgeous, nice and hot “ the perfect temperature to get naked! From good weather to black leather, Brittnys got it on lockdown, and she makes being a Playmate look easy, not to mention fun. Shooting this pictorial, I felt like a hyperconfident, kick-ass woman, she says. I hope my photos will inspire both men and women to say, Fuck yeah, thats hot! From there, we follow Miss Ward to the Harvard & Stone club, where her hot pictorial shoot goes late into the night. I just love my pictorial, she gushes. Its perfect for my personality! It was a little bit high-fashion, a little dominatrix and a dash of Blade Runner. Lets not forget a lot of sexiness.
Added: 9 years ago by Txxx