Tourist Girl gets Banged Out
In this weeks bangbus update were back at it! were talking to as many people as many as we can but man theyre all stuck up as hell but one of my homie who's riding with me today spotted this cutie from a far so I had to make sure that wasn't a far from looking good type chick. I wave her down and right away the nosey people walking around start to put on a make out show for the cameras little did they know that there faces would be unrecognizable once the editor is the done with the footage, On to the hottie we got ther in the bus and she was nice and collected but you can tell that she is from out of town and is here to get WILD!! and my friends she sure delivered of course I had to throw her some money her way but it was all worth it, My friend agrees! I hope you guys enjoy this udate I sure did,Stay tuned!
Added: 10 years ago by Txxx
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