Young Elder Zachary cums during a strange handjob
Bishop Hart sat on the arm of the temple altar bed, waiting patiently for Elder Campbell to arrive. The day had come for the soft spoken missionary boy to be ordained and receive the Higher Priesthood.Bishop Hart recalled the boy’s reticence at their first encounter. The look on the boy’s face when he was tied up and teased was one Hart knew he’d not soon forget.He knew, too, that he’d taken the missionary for granted in many ways. Teenage boys are full of hormonal emotions, causing them to act out, challenge, and even rebel, purely because their brain chemistry tells them to. Especially when they’re given a taste of sex, they can become downright volatile.But not Elder Campbell. Somehow, the usual struggle with submission that most boys go through passed over him. He wore his service as easy as his own name tag. Anything that was ever asked of him, he did, and tried his best to do so to please others. Bishop Hart didn’t need to train him or discipline him, he need only speak.After President Lee’s special blessing, Bishop Hart realized what he’d been ignoring. Seeing him through clearer, more grateful eyes, he decided to make the dedicated missionary’s ordination a momentous one.Just then, the freckled boy came into the room. As usual, he was dressed in a white shirt, pressed tie, and perfectly ironed black slacks. Bishop Hart looked at him with soft eyes, raised a hand and gestured warmly for him to sit beside him.Elder Campbell moved purposefully, but in his heart felt his place: he knew he was there for Bishop’s Hart’s pleasure.The older man placed a hand on the back of the boy’s neck, feeling the short-cut hairs at the nape, squeezing gently to hold onto him. He turned the boy’s face to him, locking eyes with him, looking deep into his heart. There, in his youthful gaze, Bishop Hart saw a boy looking back at him with great respect, fondness, and desire. How could he have missed this?He leaned in slowly, bringing his mouth to Elder Campbell’s, and, taking a deep inhale, began to kiss the eager boy.Elder Campbell’s heart melted. He completely adored Bishop Hart. And he was being embraced by him so delicately and sweetly. He still felt the desire to serve him, but, in that moment, he also felt completely desired.Hart leaned him back on the couch, arching the boy’s back as he followed. With one hand on the back of the boy’s head and one on his crotch, he felt complete love for him. His eyes closed as they continued to kiss, which made Campbell’s grab for his crotch a pleasant surprise. Bishop Hart smiled, looked at the boy below him, and pulled him up.Standing, Bishop Hart removed the boy’s shirt and tie, punctuating each button and knot with a kiss to the boy’s face. Campbell stood still as usual, feeling his body tingle with pleasure as he gave himself over to his mentor.Hart’s hands continued onto Campbell’s belt and pants, stripping him down to the sheer mesh-like fabric of his garments. He paused from his disrobement to let his hands run over the boy’s body before sitting him back down on the sofa.Elder Campbell’s body was electrified with arousal, unable to resist stroking his concealed cock as he sat back. He looked on as Bishop hart proceeded to remove his socks and shoes. As his feet became bare, the older man took his soles to his mouth, kissing along their arches, even up to the tip of his toes.Elder Zachary looked down at his shirt as he pulled it out of his pants. He’d taken great care to keep it neatly tucked and pressed, only to now be unexpectedly stripping down. Bishop Hart sat a couple feet away, watching him.The older man had asked him a series of probing questions about his sexuality. It wasn’t unexpected to be asked about pornography or masturbation, but Hart’s questions seemed more directed and focused than usual. They weren’t just about sex or thoughts of sex. They were about men. Specifically attraction to men.Elder Zachary knew the seriousness of the accusation and was quick to deny everything. Simply having those thoughts could get a boy sent home and ruin his future.When Bishop Hart asked if he’d be willing to prove his claim, he quickly and blindly said yes--having no idea what the test would be.And just like that, he was told to strip down. Down to his garments.Elder Zachary did as he was told, scared to death of the alternative consequences. Especially given what he admitted to.He was honest about having been shown porn--even that it was gay porn--and that it had an affect on him. But he’d been telling himself for so long that it wasn’t his fault. He knew his body got erections seemingly randomly, at almost anything.This little inconvenience of nature did provide him with some comfort: he never had to really consider that he might be gay. He could continue lie to himself and say that it wasn’t the men who turned him on, it was just another unfortunately timed boner.But even with that defense, he could tell the occurrences were happening more and more around the same stimuli: sexual thoughts towards a handsome man.As he removed his pants, he felt the familiar stirring in his genitals that he’d felt during the porn. His body was reacting again. And yet again, the only thing around him was a handsome, well-dressed, older man sitting beside him. And Bishop Hart could tell his presence was powerful.“Take a seat,” Hart said, watching Elder Zachary finish put away the last of his clothing. He was stripped down to just his garment shirt and shorts. He kept his arms in front of his body, as if subconsciously trying to hide his nakedness. Or was he hiding something else?Bishop Hart took his hand and placed on the inside of Zachary's thigh. He kept it there for a second, looking into the boy’s evasive eyes. The missionary seemed to want to look anywhere but at the bishop. He feared that he might see through his protestations and into his deepest, darkest thoughts.This tactic was useless, however, as a slight rise appeared in the boy’s shorts. Hart only needed to glace for a second to see it, and that settled everything for him right then and there.But he wanted to see just how far the boy could be pushed before he admitted it to himself. Before he submitted to Hart and to his own desires. He moved his hand up the boy’s thigh, slowly, inching closer and closer toward his genitals.“Does this make you aroused?” Hart asked.“No!” Zachary replied, still firm in his rejection. But now, his tone was different. Lighter, breathier. It seemed that the contact with the older man’s hand stirred up feelings so deep that he began to breathe harder, making every exhale release with an audible sound… almost a moan.Bishop Hart smiled. He’d barely even touched the boy and already he was practically panting. “I don’t think you’re being honest with me.”His hand moved further upward, closing in on the bottom of the leg of his garment shorts. His hand stopped when it reached the opening, sending Zachary’s heart into a thunderous roll.The older man moved his finger playfully under the fabric, slipping just onto the previously protected flesh of his leg, just barely grazing into his private zone. It was enough to shoot the boy’s erection to full tumsence.Elder Zachary closed his eyes for a moment, embarrassed by the state of his penis. He heard no reaction from Bishop Hart, who continued to seem completely cool and collected. Zachary opened his eyes and made contact with Hart’s.They were like hazel pools of tiny crystals. They had a sparkle to them that nearly hypnotized him. His lips curled at the corners, giving him an ever present rakish appearance. His square jawline helped define his masculine chin.Zachary didn’t want to, but he couldn’t help but find himself completely and utterly attracted to him. A fact that only snowballed his arousal, leading him into a physiological response that made him even more vulnerable and exposed.Hart stood up and moved behind Zachary’s chair. He told the boy to remove his garment shirt while he retrieved a white rope and a bottle of oil from a nearby table. As soon as Zachary placed his sheer top on the floor, Hart gently took both his wrists and brought them together behind him.“What’s going on?” he asked, worried.“It’s all right,” Hart replied calmingly. “I’ve got you.”A lump rose in the boy’s throat that he swallowed down nervously. He could feel the soft rope thread around his hands, knotting him into complete submission. Bishop Hart then returned to his chair and observed the restrained missionary.He took a hand and rubbed his smooth chest, feeling the warmth of his body as his heart raced beneath. His touch drew upward to his neck, then back down toward his genitals, ending back on the boy’s thigh where he’d first brought him to arousal.This time, however, his hand moved back upward, under the leg of his shorts and into his crotch. His fingers followed the path right to the boy’s swelling testicles, tickling them gently and stroking at the base of the boy’s shaft.Elder Zachary’s moans continued, no longer just the acoustic tenor of his excited breaths, but now a direct response to each of Bishop Hart’s carefully executed teases.Hart pulled off the boy’s shorts, stripping him of his last bit of cover, leaving him exposed, aroused, and completely at his mercy. He picked up the oil and poured a few drops onto his palms. Taking a hand onto the boy’s bare cock, he slowly stroked him downward, letting the glistening liquid fall down to his balls.The touch was so slow and so pleasurable, it was nearly excruciating for Elder Zachary to bear. His whole body shook in response, making his face flush, mouth water, and toes curl. Unable to break free of his restraints, all he could do was beg.“Please… stop…”“It seems like you like this,” Bishop Hart responded, looking at the rock hard cock he held in his hands as his proof.“I--I can’t control that.”Bishop Hart leaned in, stroking him more, slowly and softly. He whispered to him, “You don’t have to keep telling me what I want to hear.”Bishop Hart looked at him long. They studied each other’s expression for a moment, and then a strange look came over the boy’s sweet, youthful face.Zachary didn’t know what to think, but he got the sense from Bishop Hart’s bright, hazel eyes that he truly didn’t have to put on an act. He didn’t have to fight it. He let go of his denial and found comfort in his resignation.He let out a deep moan as his cock pulsed in the handsome man’s slick hands, feeling his body ready itself for a massive ejaculation.Bishop Hart continued to stroke him, sensing the power exchange that had just occurred. Elder Zachary had completely submitted to him in that moment, and everything from here on out would be in his control. Looks like the Brethren have just found their newest recruit...
Added: 4 years ago by
Gay Teen (18/19)
Teen (18/19)
Young (18-25)
Handjob & Cumshot
Tied Up
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