Bottom Gay Muscle
RomeoOh sure, I know what you're thinking. Blacks on Boys is an IR site, and you've come to expect big black boys and little white bottoms, scene after scene. Well, what if we changed it up a bit? What if we actually employed techniques that real film mak
RomeoOh sure, I know what you're thinking. Blacks on Boys is an IR site, and you've come to expect big black boys and little white bottoms, scene after scene. Well, what if we changed it up a bit? What if we actually employed techniques that real film mak
Here a fun one. Park is one horny little white boy bottom, I'll tell you that. I'm not sure if he a manwhore or just a supersexed cock slut, but something tells me that he had more fun taking Chris and Solomon for the ride of their lives than he letting o
Wade Stone has built himself a reputation as one of the most brutally dominant topmen around--but he can also play nice when that's what the bottom needs it. That's just how he handles tight-assed li'l Tino here, in complete control throughout even as he